PerMisi Home is een plek waar zendeling(en) zich thuis mogen voelen. Of ze er nu voor langere tijd wonen of slechts een paar dagen.
PerMISI Home voorziet van tijdelijke huisvesting in een huis dat radiates missionary work. Each residential unit and studio apartment is a place where guests can feel at home. Apart from that, PerMISI Home offers more than just living areas. With the years of experience of Pieter & Anja and the interactions between guests, starting missionaries will be prepared practically and socially for life in a non-western country.
PerMISI Home is een uniek, interkerkelijk missiehuis waar werkers van Gods Koninkrijk wereldwijd elkaar kunnen ontmoeten. Bij het delen van ervaringen is er regelmatig wederzijdse herkenning en bemoediging.
PerMISI Home is a place where missionaries can feel at home. Whether they are staying for a longer period or just a few days. It is a meeting place where people can have a chat, play a game, or simply enjoy a cup of coffee. It is a place where experiences can be shared and where people can learn from each other, a refuge of stability.
Welcome home, be welcome here. The Father celebrates. Welcome home, for those lost or travelling, who have been gone too long. Welcome home.
With his blessing hands on your shoulders, he gives you his love and his time. With his endless kindness and forgiveness, he welcomes you. Feel at home, you are free. You are free.
He protects you with his mantle, covering you. He is loyal in his mercifulness. With his endless kindness and forgiveness, he welcomes you. Feel at home, you are free. You are free.
Come on in. He embraces you. You belong here, in his presence. Rejoice and open your hands now. He has prepared a feast, a feast for you.
Original Dutch text “Lied van Sela”: Anneke van Dijk-Quist, music: Anneke van Dijk-Quist, Adrian Roest. © 2019 Stichting Sela Music